Research interests:
Random discrete structures: Random trees, random graphs, and complex networks, scaling limits and universality; metric measure spaces, random walks on random graphs, percolation, stochastic geometry
Publications and preprints:
Scaling limits and universality: Critical percolation on weighted graphs converging to an L^3 graphon (with Jnaneshwar Baslingker, Shankar Bhamidi, Nicolas Broutin, and Xuan Wang).
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. To appear.
Geometry of the minimal spanning tree in the heavy-tailed regime: new universality classes (with Shankar Bhamidi).
Probability Theory and Related Fields.
arXiv version (62 pages). Journal version (76 pages).
Global lower mass-bound for critical configuration models in the heavy-tailed regime (with Shankar Bhamidi, Souvik Dhara, and Remco van der Hofstad).
Electronic Journal of Probability.
arXiv version (28 pages). Journal version (29 pages).
On breadth-first constructions of scaling limits of random graphs and random unicellular maps (with Grégory Miermont).
Random Structures & Algorithms.
arXiv version (39 pages). Journal version (41 pages).
Geometry of the minimal spanning tree of a random 3-regular graph (with Louigi Addario-Berry).
Probability Theory and Related Fields.
arXiv version (61 pages). Journal version (68 pages).
A probabilistic approach to the leader problem in random graphs (with Louigi Addario-Berry and Shankar Bhamidi).
Random Structures & Algorithms.
arXiv version (31 pages). Journal version (34 pages).
Universality for critical heavy-tailed network models: Metric structure of maximal components (with Shankar Bhamidi, Souvik Dhara, and Remco van der Hofstad).
Electronic Journal of Probability.
arXiv version (47 pages). Journal version (57 pages).
Heavy-tailed configuration models at criticality (with Souvik Dhara, Remco van der Hofstad, and Johan van Leeuwaarden).
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B).
arXiv version (44 pages). Journal version (44 pages).
Geometry of the vacant set left by random walk on random graphs, Wright's constants, and critical random graphs with prescribed degrees (with Shankar Bhamidi).
Random Structures & Algorithms.
arXiv version (44 pages). Journal version (46 pages).
The multiplicative coalescent, inhomogeneous continuum random trees, and new universality classes for critical random graphs (with Shankar Bhamidi and Remco van der Hofstad).
Probability Theory and Related Fields.
arXiv version (71 pages). Journal version (88 pages).
Critical window for the configuration model: finite third moment degrees (with Souvik Dhara, Remco van der Hofstad, and Johan van Leeuwaarden).
Electronic Journal of Probability.
arXiv version (33 pages). Journal version (33 pages).
Scaling limits of random graph models at criticality: Universality and the basin of attraction of the Erdos-Renyi random graph (with Shankar Bhamidi, Nicolas Broutin, and Xuan Wang).
Critical random graphs and the differential equations technique (with Shankar Bhamidi and Amarjit Budhiraja).
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Special issue honoring Prof. B.V. Rao’s 70th birthday.
Continuum limit of critical inhomogeneous random graphs (with Shankar Bhamidi and Xuan Wang).
Probability Theory and Related Fields.
arXiv version (57 pages). Journal version (77 pages).
On the largest component in the subcritical regime of the Bohman-Frieze process.
Electronic Communications in Probability.
arXiv version (22 pages). Journal version (15 pages).
Minimal spanning trees and Stein's method (with Sourav Chatterjee).
Annals of Applied Probability.
arXiv version (47 pages). Journal version (58 pages).
The speed of a biased walk on a Galton-Watson tree without leaves is monotonic with respect to progeny distributions for high values of bias (with Behzad Mehrdad and Lingjiong Zhu).
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B).
arXiv version (17 pages). Journal version (15 pages).
Finite diagonal random matrices (with Arup Bose).
Journal of Theoretical Probability.
Limiting spectral distribution of sample autocovariance matrices (with Anirban Basak and Arup Bose).
Bernoulli Journal.